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Course AMS 101 | Economic Principles I(2 Units) | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure The basic problem of scarcity and choice. Elementary tools of economic analysis. Demand Supply and Price: Theory of Consumer Behaviours, Theory of the Firm; Distribution.
Course AMS 102 | Introductory Mathematics for Economists I | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure The use of mathematics in economic analysis; basic concepts in mathematics like sets and number, revision of elementary algebra, sets and inequalities in economics, functions in elementary economics, solution in simultaneous equation series and processions permutations and combinations.
Course AMS 103 | Introduction to Computer Science | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure Survey of computers and information processing and their roles in society. This course introduces a historical perspective of computing, hardware, software, information system, and human resoures; and explore their integration and application in business and other segments of the society.Students will be required to complete lab assignments using the PC’s operating system, and several commonly used applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and other applications. Internet and on-line resources, browsers and search engines.
Course ECO 101 | Principles of Economics I | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure An introduction to the nature of economic science and its basic problem of scarcity and choice. The methodology of economics and major areas of specialization. Historical development of ideas from the classical, neoclassical, utilitarian and welfare economists. Major findings in the various areas of specialization and elementary principles of microeconomics, as well as partial equilibrium analysis. Demand and Supply; and their laws. Determinants and types in statement and graphical format. The Firms and production functions, as well as market structure.
Course ECO 102 | Introductory Mathematics for Economists I | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure This course introduces students at the Elementary levels to some of the Quantitative Techniques necessary for the Analysis of Economics. Topics include Elementary Algebra such as Real Number System, Indices, Logarithms and Polynomials Monomials, etc Equations and Inequalities, Function and Relations, Elementary Co-ordinate Geometry, Matrix Algebra, Set Theory, Introductory Growth Mathematics, Series, Sequences, Progressions, Elementary Trigonometry and processions permutations and combinations.
Course ECO 103 | Introduction to Statistics I | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure This is a basic course in General Statistics, with special reference to the Probability Theory. Topic covered include, Origin and Development of Statistics, Scope and Limitations of Statistics, Mathematical Preliminary I, the Set Mathematical Preliminary II, Combination Methods, Frequency Distribution, Measure of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Skewness and Kurotosis (including moments), Probability Theory Distributions, the Bayes Theorem, Mathematical Expectations (excluding generation functions).
Course PSY 101 | Introduction to Psychology | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure A study of the psychological/biological basis of behaviour, theories, and concepts in contemporary psychology.
Course SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure Introductory analysis and description of social structure and dynamics of human society; Field of sociology; sociology and other Social Sciences; Basic concepts and principles of Sociology.
Course SSC 101 | Introduction to Statistics I | 100 Level | 1st Semester
Course Structure Definition of Statistics. Scope of Statistics. Concepts of statistics. Uses of statistics. Levels of measurements. Nominal. Ordinal. Interval. Ratio. Sources of statistical data. Primary and secondary. Method of data collection. Census. Survey, Techniques of data presentation. Frequency distribution. Probability concepts. Laws of probability. Probability applications.