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    Publication Title Contemporary Entrepreneurship: An International Entrepreneurship perspective for Economic Development of Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher World Journal of Entrepreneurial Development Studies (WJEDS)
    Publication Authors Ernest Jebolise CHUKWUKA (Ph.D.) Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation University of Delta, Agbor ernest.chukwuka & Dr (Mrs) Kashiari Esther DIBIE
    Year Published 2020-06-05
    Abstract This research paper extended the frontiers of knowledge in an emerging field through an investigation of contemporary entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship with the aim of ascertaining the nature of connection between the aforementioned and Nigerian economic development. With the use of references to contemporary and international entrepreneurial literature, this article used a qualitative and analytical methodology. The theoretical evolution of contemporary and international entrepreneurship theory is narrated, providing a framework for evaluating its connections and linkages with theories of entrepreneurship and economic growth in Nigeria. This is based on the classification of themes and sub-themes. Contemporary entrepreneurship is defined by continual change, quick invention, and ever-intense competition. Businesses employ a variety of modern strategies, including supply chain management, information technology, and risk management, to deal with an ever-more complicated contemporary business environment. By using these strategies, businesses may maintain their competitiveness and quickly adjust to the ever-evolving business landscape. According to this paper result, international entrepreneurship in the context of contemporary entrepreneurship is still in its infancy. Still, the discipline is full with fresh thoughts and ideas that might encourage scholars to continue studying topics like international entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization. Through the foreign exchange remittances of Nigerian enterprises that have internationalized, the research concludes that international entrepreneurship has had a positive and considerable influence on Nigeria's economic development.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher abjournals.org
    Publication Authors Ernest Jebolise Chukwuka (Ph.D.)1 and Kashiari Esther Dibie (Ph.D.)
    Year Published 2023-09-05
    Abstract The right leadership style can facilitateemployees motivation, inspiration, and persuade them to accomplish their individual and organizational goals with the support of management. Many SMEs in Nigeria do not include their staff in the decision-making process due to a lack of strong leadership abilities, which hinders their capacity to flourish. This study investigated how the leadership styles of SME in Asaba, Delta State impacts the organizational efficiency of those businesses. The study gathered information from SME managers and owners using a cross-sectional survey research methodology. The study found a weak but positive nexus between authoritarian leadership style and performance of SME. The study also discovered that the performance of SMEs in Delta State is significantly impacted by democratic leadership style. As a result, it may be concluded that a democratic leadership style impacted positively on SME performance in Delta State at the rate of 17%. Finally, the study concludes that laissez-faire leadership has the highest positive impact on the performance of SMEs in Delta State. This indicated that laissez-faire leadership had the most significant impact amongst the three leadership styles or philosophies examined. It showed that Delta State's small and medium-sized firms would perform 48% percent better for every 1 percent increase in Laissez-Faire leadership. Therefore, this study recommends that in SME management, a laissez-faire leadership style should be applied in appropriate situations to foster creativity.
    Publication Title Fiscal Deficit on Capital Project and Economic Growth in Nigeria: The Nexus. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors Dibie, Kashiari Esther; Dania, Afe Victor and Dania, Evelyn Ndidi
    Year Published 2022-08-08
    Abstract The study investigated the nexus between fiscal deficit, capital project and economicgrowth in Nigeria with the main objective of determining the impact of fiscal (budget) deficit on capital projects/expenditure and GDP in Nigeria. The study was guided by Keynesian, Neoclassical, and Ricardian theories of budget deficit. This study made use of ex-post facto research design; Secondary data were collected from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin of various years for the period 1981-2020. The presence of unit root was checked by using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF). The JohansenCo-integration technique was used to determine the long run equilibrium relationships among the variables. Thereafter, the ordinary least square regression analysis was used to determine the magnitude and direction of the independent variables on the dependent variable(s). The study revealed that fiscal or budget deficit has negative impact on capital expenditure or project and economic growth in Nigeria. It was recommended that Government at all levels should reduce the volume of recurrent expenditure asit consumes almost 80% of the country’s revenue and Government and its MDA should stop multiplication of projects in the budgets as it is the major reason for fiscal deficit in Nigeria.
    Publication Title Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inflation Expectations in Nigeria. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal or Reasch and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) Volume 111, Issue V.. ISSN 2454-6186
    Publication Authors Asemota, Georgina (Ph.D) ; Dibie, Kashiari Esther (Ph.D)
    Year Published 2019-05-04
    Abstract Abstract:-Recent theoretical position is that monetary policy alone is not sufficient to stabilize prices and that the traditional macroeconomic roles of policies can be reversed such that monetary policies are used for debt stabilization while fiscal policies are used to stabilize prices. This study therefore investigates the impact of fiscal policy on inflation expectations in Nigeria. The study began by investigating the causal relationship between inflation and inflation expectations in Nigeria and confirmed the existence of a bi-causal relationship. Basing its theoretical position on the rational inflation expectations theory, the study sourced data spanning from 1981(Q1) to 2018(Q2) for sixteen variables. These variables were separated into four groups and the principal component of each group of data was used as explanatory variables while the Hodrick-Prescott filtered inflation rate data was used as proxy for inflation expectations. The study applied the Vector Error Correction Mechanism (VECM) and established a negative relationship existing between inflation expectations and fiscal policy in Nigeria. However,the result was not significant. The study then recommends more indepth studies on inflation expectations related issues generally and specifically, a disaggregated study of the impact of fiscal policy variables on inflation expectations for Nigeria for effective control of inflationary trends in Nigeria.
    Publication Title Corona Virus Pandemic on Micro, Small and Medium Scale Businesses (MSMEs) in Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher RHEMA University Journal of Management and Social Sciences, College of Management and Social Sciences, RHEMA University, Abia State, Nigeria..
    Publication Authors Dania, Evelyn Ndidi; Dibie, Kashiari Esther and Aziba, Samuel Onolememen
    Year Published 2021-07-04
    Abstract This study has empirically investigated the effect of Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic on Micro, Small and Medium Scale Businesses (MSMEs) in Nigeria with reference to Edo state. The study was guided by four objectives in the areas of continuity, revenue, demand for orders and labour force of the MSMEs. A cross-sectional survey design was used .The questionnaire was used to solicit data from the respondents (MSMEs owners) .A total of six hundred (600) respondents were randomly selected across the three senatorial districts in the state (two hundred from each district- the surveyed areas are Auchi in Edo north, Uromi and Ekpoma in Edo central and Benin city in Edo south) The questionnaires were analyzed using Likert scales. Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) were used to analyze the socio-demographic variables and the objectives of the study. From the study, it was clear that the lockdown due to Covid 19 has negatively affected the continuity, revenue, demand for orders and labour force of the MSMEs in Edo state. It was recommended that the state government should suspend the collection of taxes and levies from these MSMEs owners for fast recovering from the losses occasioned by the Covid 19.
    Publication Title Good Governance as a Panacea for Rapid Economic Transformation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Education and Science Journal of Policy Review and Curriculum DevelopmentVol. 4 No 1, ISSN Print: 2315-8425, Online 2354-1660
    Publication Authors Ohiomu, Sylvester and Dibie, Kashiari Esther
    Year Published 2014-06-23
    Abstract he focus of this paper is on good governance as a panacea for rapid economic transformation in Nigeria. Amidst incidences of challenges in governance, corruption and growing insurgences, this theoretical paper examines the concept of good governance which is very essential as a precondition for rapid economic transformation and sustainable development. It also discusses the interface between these concepts and identifies strategies for ensuring good governance for sustainable growth and development in Nigeria. The country has the capacity to design pathways to a future grounded in equitable and sustainable development, which meets the needs of current generations without compromising those of the future. This study recommends that for policies to work, good governance is important. Political leadership matters, and so does a quality civil service, capacity building, effective strategic implementation to drive the vision forward in order to enhance the wellbeing of its citizens and the globe. It is our sincere hope that proper implementation of the recommended strategies will proffer reliable solution to ensure good governance for sustainable development in Nigeria. Keywords: Governance, Panacea, Economic Transformation, Growth and Sustainable Developmen
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Publication Authors Azu, Benedict (Ph.D)1 , Dibie, Kashiari Esther (Ph.D) 2 Ifeanyi, Shedrack
    Year Published 2021-05-28
    Abstract Exchange rate uncertainty has been one of the many challenges implicated as the biggest developmental and growth obstacle facing Nigeria as a nation. This study estimates financial globalization, output growth and financial uncertainty nexus in Nigeria. The research is carried under the assumption that exchange rate uncertainties are deemed to impact on the volume of export and import trading activities. Thus, we adopted the Pairwise Granger Causality model to estimate the causality relationships among financial globalization, output growth and volatility in exchange rate using a Single Equation Englo-Granger approach. The best lag selection criteria were employed to choosing the best lag for this analysis. We provide a link between the short-run and the long-run effect of the model(s). This study found that they is a positive interaction between financial volatility (exchange rate uncertainty) and output volatility in Nigeria. It shows that as financial volatility such as exchange rate uncertainty is increasing, output volatility will also be increased in the same direction. The government and the monetary authorities should be more focused on the strengthening the exchange rate, since stable exchange rate improves the terms of trade, strengthen the local capacity and increases output growth. However, addressing the heightened risks, including financial and operational risks due to economic recession as well as due to the market reforms themselves have remained the challenges of globalization in Nigeria.
    Publication Title Assessing the Social Economic Impact of Corona Virus in Africa. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
    Publication Authors Benedict Azu, Esther Dibie, Shadrack Ifeanyi, Emeke Okoro
    Year Published 2022-10-23
    Abstract The looming health shock of coronavirus could have disastrous impacts on the continent’s already strained health systems, and could quickly turn into a social and economic emergency. This paper, therefore, intends to assess the effects of coronavirus on Africa economies. (using its growth implication) Based on the endogenous growth theoretical approach, the link between life expectancy, poverty incidence, and economic growth was estimated using the GMM technique of analysis with 32 selected Africa countries. Findings showed that coronavirus exhibited negative and substantial impact on socio-economic situation and macroeconomic variables in Africa such as inflation, unemployment, poverty rate and economic growth, amongst others. The result ascertained that the government expenditure significantly increased during the period in a bid to curb the pandemic, but household welfare degenerated and was negatively affected with high poverty rate, this paper recommended that the government of the Africa countries should diversify the revenue base of their economies to cushion the effect of unprecedented shock due to the pandemic and provide adequate relief materials to pad the effect of loss of income to the poor and vulnerable, support in the implementation of structural reforms to enable them to build capacity and generate sufficient domestic resources or fiscal buffers to effectively manage pandemics.
    Publication Title Sustainable Development and Emerging Multidimensional Insecurity in Nigeria: Commonalities and Differences among the Northern and Southern Region Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS
    Publication Authors Okpan Samuel Okpanocha1 , Kashiari Esther Dibie2 , Otega Okinono
    Year Published 2023-07-26
    Abstract Peace is the main necessity and most essential element in the realization of sustainable development. Insecurity spurs man towards seeking and safeguarding modern goals, depleting the required resources and energy towards attaining modern development. Insecurity makes improvement of human condition illusive. Notwithstanding, developing societies Nigeria inclusive are replete with budding civil conflicts, militancy, terrorism, and banditry etc. In this paper, we contend that the nexus of insecurity and sustainable development lies on the crux of specific type of insecurity within a region. First, empirical data and policy discuss on insecurity and development connection were reviewed, then we explored how the connection ensue within different regions in Nigeria. In the third and main section, we reviewed the types of insecurity in different regions in Nigeria examining their differences and commonalties, consequently x-raying its influence on development. The paper finally concludes with considerable evidence that though Nigeria is generally not a safe nation however, the nature of insecurity differs within regions with divergent implications on development as such one side-fits all mechanism towards abating insecurity in Nigeria will remain futile. We therefore recommend multi-dimensional strategy to help ameliorate the dual dire challenges of insecurity and underdevelopment in Nigeria.
    Publication Title Micro Finance And Women Empowerment in Nigeria. A Casr Study of Lift Above Poverty Organization (LAPO).
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors Dibie, Kashiari Esther
    Year Published 2015-12-06
    Abstract Microfinance programme are essential instruments of poverty alleviation and have the potential to transform power and empower the poor. It is advocated and promoted by polict makers as effective anti-poverty intervention and distinctively different from other financial institutions because women constitute its dominant clientele..Given this scenario the study looked at the financial inclusion of women in micro finance and the impact on the profitability of the business enterprise. It considered the factors that determined access to micro finance loans by women, the improvement in the standard of livingvia microfinance, and its impact on the growth of micro and small enterprises. It utilized data collected by the administration of questionnaire among Lift Above Poverty Organization (LAPO) Clients in Benin City. The Ordinary Least Squares and the Logit regression models were used to estimate the coefficientof the variables used in the in thr three models. It was observed that education of women and marital status had significant positive impact on money received from midro finance bank in the first model while education and gender had negative impacts on poverty reduction in the second model. However, in the third model, though micro finance contributed to the growth of women enterprises, it did not contribute to their well-being. The study recommended inter-alia that government should initiate educational policy that would encourage women education , programmes that would promote joint ventures between couples and ensure a reduction of interest chargedby micro finance banks so that the economic well-being of women could be increased.
    Publication Title Insecurity, Productivity and Social-Economic Development: A Reverse Causality in Nigeria. t
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Humanities And Social Sciences(IOSR-JHSS)
    Publication Authors Azu, Benedict, Okobia, Ayodele Onyeatoelu, Dibie, Kashiari Esther, Okoro, Gabriel Emeke.
    Year Published 2021-05-24
    Abstract Insecurity has been one of the many challenges implicated in 1960, the country developmental strides have been hampered by one form of insecurity or the other. Over two decades , the steady rise of insecurity in Nigeria has fuelled the crime rate and terrorists attacks in different parts of the country, leaving unpalatable consequences for its socio-economic development and growth. Development experts have often blamed the deteriorating security situation in the country to the daunting developmental challenges which pose serious threat to socio-economic development. The country over the decade has experienced high rate of poverty, youth unemployment, widening income disparity, clashes and conflicts, and violence among others, with over 70% of her population living below poverty line. Security is undoubtedly the pillar upon which every maeningfull development could be achieved and sustained. Lending credence to this assertion, most advanced nations of the world place high premium on security. Whilst Nigeria is richly blessed with abundant natural resources and human capital, negligence to numerous challenges of insecurity of the environment appears to have created poros security condition that engendered violence and retards growth and development. This paper is designed to empirically establish the nexus between insecurity and productivity in Nigeria. It also estimates the effects of insecurity on sustainable growth in Nigeria. Noting that insecurity affects growth with time lag, an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model is built for the analysis. It is expected that security exacts positive time lag effects on growth whije insecurity negates sustainable growth.
    Publication Type journal
    Year Published 2022-03-13
    Abstract This study investigated the impact of Occupational hazards on the productivity of artisans of Edo State.The study was guided by four dimensions, which inclued physical, biological, chemical, and psychologicalhazards. A cross sectional survey project was conducted among the artisands in Edo State. Questionnaire was developed to respond to the research questions for the hypotheses, for a total of one thousand and two hundred. (1,200a) artisans deliberately selected across Edo State.
    Publication Title The Impact of Exchange Rate on Palm Oil Export in Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
    Publication Authors Azu, Benedict (Ph.D)1 , Dibie, Kashiari Esther (Ph.D) 2 , Ifeanyi, Shedrack 3 Okoro, Gabriel Emeke 4
    Year Published 2021-05-14
    Abstract This study focused on the impact of exchange rate on palm oil export in Nigeria; as export remains one of the strategies for accelerating the pace of development of any economy. The key policy objective was to examine the impact of exchange rate on palm oil export in Nigeria. This research work adopted an econometric approach to evaluate the stated objectives. The results of the Augmented dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test, revealed that palm oil export, annual output of palm oil, exchange rate, trade openness. World price of palm oil became stationary after first difference I(1) ,while annual rainfall had no unit root at level I(0). The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation results showed the existence of direct statistical significant relationship between, the dependent variable (palm oil export) and annual output of palm oil, world price of palm oil and annual rainfall, while exchange rate has inverse statistical significant relationship with palm oil export. The negative value of ECM, is correctly signed which implies that the result is satisfactory and has appropriate adjustment mechanism to equilibrium when disequilibrium occurs. Finally, this research work offers some policy recommendations for effective planning, management and development of palm oil sector in Nigeria
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Association for Promoting Academic Researches and Developments in Nigeria (APARDN))
    Publication Authors DIBIE, K.E. (MRS.) AND ADOMGBOR, F.C
    Year Published 2013-07-14
    Abstract The paper looked at the impact of monetary policy on balance of payment in Nigeria. The study utilized the major indicators of monetary policy namely; money supply (in bond terms), exchange rate, real gross domestic product, credit rate and lending rate as explanatory variables while the dependent variable was balance of payment. It was observed that the efficacy of monetary policy instruments was hampered by the combined influence of fiscal dominance and political interferences. The study recommended that during the period of recession expansionary monetary policy should be applied while a tight monetary policy should be used during the period of stagflation as this will enhance national economic goal of full employment without inflation.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher EMPIRICISM
    Publication Authors DIBIE, K. ESTHER AND DIBIE, N. EDWARD
    Year Published 2013-07-26
    Abstract Environmental analysis is an all embracing event; usually organized by a multi- disciplinary field of study, in order to ensure that the carrying capacity of the environment does not collapse. The primary focus is to identify and implement measures that would contain, remediate or mitigate the adverse consequences of man's exploration and- exploitation of the Environment. The paper X-rayed the Environment focusing on the impact of the Environment on business organization. The business and its physical environment was equally critically evaluated. The paper recommended inter alia that greater environmental awareness programme should be embarked upon by managers so that future generation be better for it.
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors DIBIE, K. ESTHER
    Year Published 2010-07-28
    Abstract The focus of this paper is on gas flaring in Nigeria and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Gas flaring and the challenges it brings to environmental sustainability were x-rayed. It is revealed that tremendous environmental degradation has occurred in the Niger Delta, due to gas flaring in the region. The people of the region are presently disenchanted with the presence of the oil companies, because of the apparent damage to their environment. It is therefore recommended that in line with the best practices gas flaring should be phased out immediately in Nigeria. Additionally, remediation of the Niger Delta environment should he carried out to restore its sustainability.
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors DIBIE, KASHIARI ESTHER
    Year Published 2012-07-25
    Abstract This paper identified government expenditure on health, education and the enrolments at various levels as necessary pre-requisite for achieving self-reliance and economic growth. Secondary data was collected over the period 1985 to 2007 and was subjected to statistical technique using the multiple regression model and the Error Correction Model adopted to ensure spurious result. The variables used were all statistically significant except which stipulate government expenditure on health and primarily school enrolment rate. The study recommended some policy measures such as: the implementation of the NEEDS document as strategized by education and health sector, provision of infrastructural facilities, redesign of educational curriculum to include libraries where youth will be informed rightly and maintenance of good governance, to ensure self-reliance and economic growth.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher ASSEFN VOL. 1, NO. 2
    Publication Authors Uwaifo Emmanuel Chukwuekwu & Dibie Kashiari Esther.
    Year Published 2015-10-28
    Abstract This paper examines the relevance of poverty Nigeria and the various government policies targeted at its alleviation. The paper reveals that poverty in Nigeria is due to various factors like structural shifts, poor education system, corruption, market imperfections and regulatory changes in government policies by successive governments. The paper suggests that for Nigeria to succeed in fighting poverty. there should be zero tolerance for corruption, focused policy implementation and cultivation of the culture of consistency on programme implement.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review
    Publication Authors : Dr. (Mrs.) Kashiari Esther Dibie & Dr. Sunday Okubor Ijieh
    Year Published 2022-10-02
    Abstract The Nigerian economy witnessed a robust economy in time past before the discovery of oil. The agricultural sector was neglected and government attention was dully registered on the oil sector which culminated into vices that hindered economic growth and development. This study investigated the agriculture production and food security and their impact on economic growth in Nigeria. Secondary data was collected from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin for the period 1981 – 2021. The presence of unit root was checked by using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF). The Johansen Co-integration technique was employed to determine the long run equilibrium relationships among the variables. Thereafter, the ordinary least square regression analysis was used to determine the direction and magnitude of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The study revealed a strong correlation between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Specifically, the R-Squared of 0.96 and the Adjusted R-Squared of 0.95 showed that 95% of the changes in the dependent variable was explained by the independent variables. The coefficient of loan granted was negative, implying an inverse relationship with GDP, implying a probable diversion of the money into unproductive ventures or the high rate of interest charged on the loans that probably dominated the accrued benefit. Food production, transport and storage had positive relationship with GDP. The study recommended that the government builds more access roads to ease transportation and provide more storage facilities for the sustainability of human security.
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors Dibie, K. E. and E. N. Dibie (2006)
    Year Published 2006-06-25
    Abstract Environmental issues are topical issues worldwide. In this paper, the relationship between environmental sciences and economic reliance has been examined. Attainment of economic reliance is dependent on the utilization of resources provided by the environment. Consequently, man has attempted to create wealth at various times through exploration and exploitation of the environment. Unfortunately, pollution resulting from these activities of man has far reaching effect on the health of the environment. Consequently, measures aimed at mitigating and remediating past negative impacts; as well as those that will ensure environmentally friendly behaviour have been identified by environmental sciences. The idea is to ensure that the stock of environmental resources remains adequate for the attainment and sustenance of economic reliance. The paper therefore suggests that industrialization should partner with environmental sciences so as to ensure a sustainable development
    Publication Title Monetary Policy and Manufacturing Sector Performance in Nigeria
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Department of Accounting, University of Port Harcount, Choba, Rivers State
    Publication Authors Dania, Evelyn and Dibie, Kashiari Esther (2019).
    Year Published 2019-06-28
    Abstract This study has empirically examined the impact of monetary policy on manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria from 1981 to 2017. The broad objective of the study is to determine the impact of monetary policy on manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria. The study used serial annual and secondary data gotten from the Central Bank of Nigeria, statistical bulletin, annual reports, and the various publications. To avoid spurious regression due to the problem of non-stationarity of data, the Augmented Dickey Fuller test was used to check for the presence of unit root in the variables, cointegration tests was carried out. This test was used to check if long-run relationship exists among the variables in the model and was carried out using the Johansen technique. The model was logged in-order to checkmate the presence of heteroscedasticity. The ECM was used to determine the speed of adjustment. The result of the study showed that there was a long run relationship between the variables Also, inflation and interest rates have negative implications on the performance of the manufacturing sector, but only interest rate has a significant impact on the performance of the manufacturing sector. The exchange rate has positive implication on the performance of the sector but has an insignificant impact on the sector, Lastly, the error correction result indicates that the system corrected its previous disequilibrium at a speed of 41.11% annually. It is recommended that efforts should be made in reducing monetary policy rate (MPR) which has been 14% for a long time. In doing so point of equilibrium should be reached in deciding these rates because monetary policy has different impacts on different sectors because of its distributional effect.
    Publication Title The Impact of Exchange Rate on Palm Oil Export in Nigeria
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Sciences.
    Publication Authors Azu, Benedict, Dibie, Kashiari Esther, Ifeanyi, Shedrack and Okoro, Gabriel Emeke.
    Year Published 2021-05-14
    Abstract This study focused on the impact of exchange rate on palm oil export in Nigeria.; as export remains one of the strategies for accelerating the pace of development of any economy. The policy objective was to examine the impact of exchange rate on palm oil export in Nigeria. This research work adopted an econometric approach to evaluate the stated objectives. The results of the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test revealed that palm oil export, annual output of palm oil, excgange rate, trade openness and world price of palm oil became stationary after first difference I(1), while annual rainfull had no unit root at level I(O). The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation results showed the existence of direct statistical significant relationship between the dependent variable (palm oil export) and annual output of palm oil., world price of palm oil and annual rainfall. While, exchange rate has inverse statistical significant relationship with palm oil export. The negative value of ECM is correctly signed which implies that the result is satisfactory and has appropriate adjustment mechanism to equilibrium when disequilibrium occurs. Finanly, this research work offers some policy recommendations for effective planning, management and development of palm oil sector in Nigeria.
    Publication Title Influence of Policy Implementation on Entrepreneurial Success and National Development Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research
    Publication Authors Dr (Mrs) DIBIE, Kashiari Esther & CHUKWUKA, Ernest Jebolise (Ph.D)
    Year Published 2024-08-23
    Abstract This research paper investigated the influence of policy implementation on entrepreneurial success and national development with the aim of ascertaining the exact nature of the influence of policy implementation on entrepreneurial success and national development in Nigeria. This study adopted a qualitative research methodology through the extant and systematic, exploratory review of extant literature, which is modified to understand the motivations, viewpoints, theories, and views of scholars in order to address the study policy implementation issues. This study relied on secondary sources of data. The study found that there is a serious problem of implementation of policies rather than their formulation, in Nigeria. This is a result of the upper class's competing interests, which stem from their stark ideological differences, self-serving interests, and manipulation of the policy-making process to their benefit. Consequently, this has left a hole or missing piece in Nigeria's system for developing and implementing public policy. The study also discovered that each country has its own procedure for drafting and implementing policies. For example, in Nigeria, public policy is developed and carried out with sufficient focus solely on the government and its agencies. In this process, civil society organizations, professional associations, the organized business sector, and nonprofit organizations are all totally disregarded. The numerous wonderful policies that have been developed throughout the years by the various governments in the areas of social security, unemployment, poverty reduction, health, and education are just a few examples. The study therefore concludes that 70% of government policies in Nigeria are never implemented effectively, which has crippled the wheels of national development and negatively affected entrepreneurial success. The study observed that private sector businesses and entrepreneurial activities will thrive if good policies are effectively implemented for national development, which fosters the ease of doing business
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher African - British Journals
    Paper Link www.abjournals.org
    Publication Authors Ernest Jebolise Chukwuka (Ph.D.) and Kashiari Esther Dibie (Ph.D.)
    Year Published 2024-05-22
    Abstract Purpose – This research paper aims to create a realistic understanding of the favorable and unfavorable experiences that employees have as a result of adopting artificial intelligence (AI) or resorting to the old manual HR methods. It explains the difficulties and the benefits associated with developing human resources in light of the use of artificial intelligence or the old manual HR methods. Design/Methodology/Approach – For this study, the researcher employed a qualitative and exploratory research methodology. The primary element of the qualitative method which is adjusted to comprehend the literature, theories, motivations, viewpoints, and views in order to answer the study issue is exploratory research. This research used data from secondary sources. Findings – The study found that some firms spend over two million hours annually conducting manual HR performance reviews and evaluations. This is a significant amount of time spent on a process that is unreliable because it relies on people's opinions and prior performance. Real-time Artificial intelligence AI-driven assessments not only enable incentives and praise for good performances immediately, but they also ensure accuracy throughout the entire process and sound an alarm if targets are not met on time or performance standards are declining. From the extensive review of literature, it was found that Artificial Intelligence has a positive and significant influence on HR function of employee performance evaluation. Practical Implications – The study recommends a more robust top-level AI design and implementation within the entrepreneurial ecosystem and a robust application of Artificial Intelligence on HR function of employee performance evaluation. Originality/value – This research makes the unique contribution of establishing a qualitative finding that will revolutionize the entrepreneurial ecosystem for more employee productivity and satisfaction.
    Publication Title Contemporary Entrepreneurship: An International Entrepreneurship perspective for Economic Development of Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher World Journal of Entrepreneurial Development Studies (WJEDS)
    Publication Authors Ernest Jebolise CHUKWUKA (Ph.D.) Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation University of Delta, Agbor ernest.chukwuka & Dr (Mrs) Kashiari Esther DIBIE
    Year Published 2020-06-05
    Abstract This research paper extended the frontiers of knowledge in an emerging field through an investigation of contemporary entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship with the aim of ascertaining the nature of connection between the aforementioned and Nigerian economic development. With the use of references to contemporary and international entrepreneurial literature, this article used a qualitative and analytical methodology. The theoretical evolution of contemporary and international entrepreneurship theory is narrated, providing a framework for evaluating its connections and linkages with theories of entrepreneurship and economic growth in Nigeria. This is based on the classification of themes and sub-themes. Contemporary entrepreneurship is defined by continual change, quick invention, and ever-intense competition. Businesses employ a variety of modern strategies, including supply chain management, information technology, and risk management, to deal with an ever-more complicated contemporary business environment. By using these strategies, businesses may maintain their competitiveness and quickly adjust to the ever-evolving business landscape. According to this paper result, international entrepreneurship in the context of contemporary entrepreneurship is still in its infancy. Still, the discipline is full with fresh thoughts and ideas that might encourage scholars to continue studying topics like international entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization. Through the foreign exchange remittances of Nigerian enterprises that have internationalized, the research concludes that international entrepreneurship has had a positive and considerable influence on Nigeria's economic development.
    Publication Title Agricultural Production: Implication For Building A Transformational And Sustainable Economy Resilience In Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies IJIRAS
    Publication Authors Kashiari Esther Dibie (Ph.D)
    Year Published 2023-11-08
    Abstract This paper aims to provide an overview of the main findings and conclusions of the research study. The Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) area, including Nigeria, has seen significant challenges in terms of growth and development following the independence of its countries in the late 1950s and early 1960s. As a result of their susceptibility to worldwide geopolitical tensions and external shocks, which have a negative impact on growth patterns and long-term viability. The economies that heavily rely on agriculture for their sustenance have experienced heightened susceptibility to a worldwide economic downturn. The present study aimed to examine the association between resilience and agriculture in Nigeria from 1981 to 2022. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound test approach to cointegration, together with CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests, were employed with other diagnostic tests to analyses the data. The methodology employed in this study was predicated on the assumption that the unit root tests provided evidence of the variables being stationary at the first difference, specifically at the I(1) level of integration. Two criteria are considered: the percentage contribution of the agriculture sector to gross domestic product (GDP) and its contribution to resilience. The study incorporated three distinct shock factors, namely armed conflicts, natural catastrophes, and terrorist attacks, to serve as indicators of resilience. The measurement of resilience encompasses both individual indicators and factor analysis indices. Consequently, an investigation was conducted to examine the extent to which agriculture has contributed to structural transformation and resilience in Nigeria. The concerns pertaining to transformative sustainability and resilience were addressed through the utilization of two models. The initial model examined the relationship between agricultural output, industrial output, and employment rate as independent variables, and Gross Domestic Product as the dependent variable in order to investigate the concept of transformational sustainability. The second model investigated the resilience component, specifically the capacity to withstand and recover from adverse events. The study focused on internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have experienced different forms of violence, natural disasters, armed conflicts, and terrorism-related shocks. The dependent variable was the impact of these shocks on the IDPs, while explanatory variables included agricultural production, human capital development, governance, and health services. The analysis utilized data extracted from the CBN Statistical Bulletin spanning the period from 1981 to 2022. The findings revealed a significant correlation between the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and agricultural output, as well as a similar pattern observed for the measures of resilience and agricultural productivity. The results also indicated that natural disasters, armed conflict, and shocks related to terrorism had a detrimental effect on both structural transformation and economic growth. Therefore, based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the government develop policies aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity and fostering resilience in Nigeria in order to facilitate transformative economic growth.
    Publication Title Contemporary Entrepreneurship: An International Entrepreneurship perspective for Economic Development of Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher World Journal of Entrepreneurial Development Studies (WJEDS)
    Publication Authors Ernest Jebolise CHUKWUKA (Ph.D.) Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation University of Delta, Agbor ernest.chukwuka & Dr (Mrs) Kashiari Esther DIBIE
    Year Published 2020-06-05
    Abstract This research paper extended the frontiers of knowledge in an emerging field through an investigation of contemporary entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship with the aim of ascertaining the nature of connection between the aforementioned and Nigerian economic development. With the use of references to contemporary and international entrepreneurial literature, this article used a qualitative and analytical methodology. The theoretical evolution of contemporary and international entrepreneurship theory is narrated, providing a framework for evaluating its connections and linkages with theories of entrepreneurship and economic growth in Nigeria. This is based on the classification of themes and sub-themes. Contemporary entrepreneurship is defined by continual change, quick invention, and ever-intense competition. Businesses employ a variety of modern strategies, including supply chain management, information technology, and risk management, to deal with an ever-more complicated contemporary business environment. By using these strategies, businesses may maintain their competitiveness and quickly adjust to the ever-evolving business landscape. According to this paper result, international entrepreneurship in the context of contemporary entrepreneurship is still in its infancy. Still, the discipline is full with fresh thoughts and ideas that might encourage scholars to continue studying topics like international entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization. Through the foreign exchange remittances of Nigerian enterprises that have internationalized, the research concludes that international entrepreneurship has had a positive and considerable influence on Nigeria's economic development.
    Publication Title Contemporary Entrepreneurship: An International Entrepreneurship perspective for Economic Development of Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher World Journal of Entrepreneurial Development Studies (WJEDS
    Publication Authors Ernest Jebolise Chukwuka (Ph.D.)1 and Kashiari Esther Dibie (Ph.D.)
    Year Published 2024-08-10
    Abstract This research paper extended the frontiers of knowledge in an emerging field through an investigation of contemporary entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship with the aim of ascertaining the nature of connection between the aforementioned and Nigerian economic development. With the use of references to contemporary and international entrepreneurial literature, this article used a qualitative and analytical methodology. The theoretical evolution of contemporary and international entrepreneurship theory is narrated, providing a framework for evaluating its connections and linkages with theories of entrepreneurship and economic growth in Nigeria. This is based on the classification of themes and sub-themes. Contemporary entrepreneurship is defined by continual change, quick invention, and ever-intense competition. Businesses employ a variety of modern strategies, including supply chain management, information technology, and risk management, to deal with an ever-more complicated contemporary business environment. By using these strategies, businesses may maintain their competitiveness and quickly adjust to the ever-evolving business landscape. According to this paper result, international entrepreneurship in the context of contemporary entrepreneurship is still in its infancy. Still, the discipline is full with fresh thoughts and ideas that might encourage scholars to continue studying topics like international entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization. Through the foreign exchange remittances of Nigerian enterprises that have internationalized, the research concludes that international entrepreneurship has had a positive and considerable influence on Nigeria's economic development
    Publication Title Contemporary Entrepreneurship: An International Entrepreneurship perspective for Economic Development of Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher World Journal of Entrepreneurial Development Studies (WJEDS
    Publication Authors Ernest Jebolise Chukwuka (Ph.D.)1 and Kashiari Esther Dibie (Ph.D.)
    Year Published 2024-08-10
    Abstract This research paper extended the frontiers of knowledge in an emerging field through an investigation of contemporary entrepreneurship and international entrepreneurship with the aim of ascertaining the nature of connection between the aforementioned and Nigerian economic development. With the use of references to contemporary and international entrepreneurial literature, this article used a qualitative and analytical methodology. The theoretical evolution of contemporary and international entrepreneurship theory is narrated, providing a framework for evaluating its connections and linkages with theories of entrepreneurship and economic growth in Nigeria. This is based on the classification of themes and sub-themes. Contemporary entrepreneurship is defined by continual change, quick invention, and ever-intense competition. Businesses employ a variety of modern strategies, including supply chain management, information technology, and risk management, to deal with an ever-more complicated contemporary business environment. By using these strategies, businesses may maintain their competitiveness and quickly adjust to the ever-evolving business landscape. According to this paper result, international entrepreneurship in the context of contemporary entrepreneurship is still in its infancy. Still, the discipline is full with fresh thoughts and ideas that might encourage scholars to continue studying topics like international entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization. Through the foreign exchange remittances of Nigerian enterprises that have internationalized, the research concludes that international entrepreneurship has had a positive and considerable influence on Nigeria's economic development