Publication Type Conference Paper
Publisher International Conference on Science and Technology In Africa, held at the Conference Center University of Calabar, Nigeria.
Publication Authors OYEM, H.H., OYEM I.M , Ijieh, S.O
Year Published 2008-05-08
Abstract This paper critically examines the role of science and technology in the attainment
of the millennium development goals (MDGs). It began by reviewing the origin
of the MDGs and on to highlight key development strategies aimed at achieving
it (MDGs). A review was also given of the concepts of science and technology.
The fact that science and technology indeed has a role to play in the successful
achievement of the MDGs was established. A concerted effort was further made
by itemizing the MDGs and juxtaposing it with possible ways science and
technology can help in bringing about its realization.
Publication Type Conference Paper
Publisher A Paper presented at the Association of Business Studies and Technology Development’s 3rd Annual national conference held at Delta State Polytechnic Ogwashi Uku
Publication Authors IJIEH, S. OKUBOR
Year Published 2007-07-06
Abstract This paper examines the Nigerian banking sector reforms vis-a–viz the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG) nexus. The thrust of this paper is that the reform will redirect the
banks to focus on the development of SMEs. SMEs have direct relationship with the populace
and hence, enhance human development engineering, and impact positively on the goals of
millennium development. Finally, the paper calls on the vigilance of regulatory authorities to
tighten all loopholes that could arise from large size that may work against the full
appropriation of the consolidation synergies and potentials.
Publication Type journal
Publisher IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)
Publication Authors Ijieh, Sunday Okubor Phd And Imide, Israel Onokero Phd
Year Published 2021-08-08
Abstract This paper on trade and human capital is based on the belief that both variables have a positive effect on
national development, but the impact of the two variables together has not been adequately discussed.This study
investigated the role of human capital formation and trade on economic growth during the period 1992 – 2019.
Data were sourced from World Bank data base and Central Bank of Nigeria. The Augmented Dickkey Fuller
(ADF) test was used to check the stationarity properties of the variables. Long-run relationship among the
variables was confirmed through Johansen cointegration test whereas the long-run and short-run dynamics
were observed using the ordinary least square methodology. The ADF result show that all variables were
integrated of order one I(1). The cointegration result indicates the presence of a long run relationship with ‘at
most 1’ cointegrating equation in the system. The long-run regression output shows that the index of trade has
an insignificant direct impact on GDP growth in the economy. It also shows a significant inverse impact of
human capital on economic growth within the period under study. However, the parsimonious ECM result
indicates that trade have a significant direct impact on the growth of the economy. Also, Labour force and
human capital at first difference was found to have a significant direct impact on the economy. Finally, the
study concludes that human capital and trade interactions are important determinants of growth and hence,
supports the idea of knowledge and technology diffusion. The study suggests the introduction of policies that
favours education supervision to ensure quality and encourages open trade. Lastly, the study suggests the full
implementation of UNESCO recommendation for countries to use 26% of their annual total budget on
Publication Title Determinants of Non-oil Export and Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Application of the Bound Test Approach
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies
Publication Authors Samson Adeniyi Aladejare, Abdulwahab Said
Year Published 2014-04-04
Abstract The effects of the recent global economic crises on Nigeria’s economy have reaffirmed the urgent
need for economic diversification in the country. Although no country is immune to such global
crises, the over reliance on oil export revenue by Nigeria expose her economy excessively to
external shocks. Therefore, this research examines the impact of aggregate non-oil sector and its
determinant on economic growth. The bound test approach was explored to examine the long and
short run effects of the non-oil export and its ensuing determinants. The result reveals a significant
effect of non-oil export on economic growth in both the long and short run. Policies aimed at
boosting the level and significance of the nonoil export were propose
Publication Title Pattern of Education Expenditure and Manpower Needs: Implication on Educational Standard
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of European Studies
Paper Link
Publication Authors Richardson Kojo Edeme1, *, Sunday Okubor Ijieh
Year Published 2017-01-01
Abstract A basic trend observable in education expenditure in Nigeria over the years in the inconsistence in the pattern and
amount budgeted to the sector and in most cases not meeting the recommended UNESCO standard. In this study, we present an
overview of the trend of government expenditure on education and how this has impacted in meeting the manpower needs and
educational standard in Nigeria. Analysis of data reveals that for the period covered by the study, expenditure on education has
not been consistent and did not follow a definite pattern and this has resulted in the shortfall of qualified manpower in some
subjects such as Engineering and Medicine, requiring so many years to meet the shortfall. Also there exist a yawning gap
between demand and supply in manpower and the duration of meeting the gap were alarming. Bearing all things constant, it
will take 41 years, 7 years, 48 years, 44 years, 86 years, 12 years, 16 and 38 years to meet the manpower needs in Commerce,
Business Methods, Agriculture, Home Economics, Food and Nutrition, Home Management, Clothing and textiles and
Introductory technology respectively. This partly explains the declining education standard. In view of this, there is need for
government to take the necessary steps clearly focused on adequate investment in transforming the education sector. Greater
proportion of the nation’s annual budget should be allocated to education so as to meet the challenges of manpower needs in
the critical disciplines.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Contemporary Research in Social Sciences
Publication Authors Richardson Kojo Edeme, Sunny O Ijieh, Nelson C Nkalu
Year Published 2019-09-09
Abstract This study tries to ascertain if export really matter in developing countries quest to achieving
sustainable growth using Nigeria case study. With the Toda-Yamamoto Granger Causality framework, the study
found that as variables that influences growth, export and import are significant in accentuating sustainable
growth. In specific terms, on the average, a percentage increase in export stimulates economic growth by 2.45 while
a percentage increase in import dampens economic growth by about 0.23 percent. The direction of causal
relationship suggests that there is unidirectional causality running from export to economic growth suggesting the
existence of export-led growth hypothesis for Nigeria. Also, there exists unidirectional causality running from
export to economic growth an indication that the causality running from export to economic growth is the
strongest, revealing that export-led growth hypothesis holds for Nigeria. This suggests that to achieve sustainable
growth in Nigeria, it is necessary to encourage export, although emphasis should also be on import restrictions
through the provision of transparent regulatory policy and framework
Publication Type journal
Publisher UJAH Volume 21 No.3, 2020 (Special Edition
Paper Link http://dx.doi./org/10.4314/ujah.v21i3.6
Publication Authors Sunday Okubor Ijieh
Year Published 2020-03-03
Abstract Scientifically, the relationship between knowledge and growth in
economic growth has been enhanced by technical breakthroughs and
developments over the years, so that economic growth is no longer
focused solely on the exploitation of raw materials, energy sources and
physical goods, but on the intangible development of values in the form
of essential skills, services, innovative technologies and inventions.
Considering the high level of youth unemployment and the high
incidence of poverty in Nigeria, this requires a re-adjustment of the
traditional methods of human capital growth. The main goal of this
paper is to shed light on recent developments in our understanding of the
forces that border on information formation, distribution and innovation
through the growth phase of the entrepreneur. This paper explored the
tertiary institutions' entrepreneurship development programme and the
capacity of graduates and future graduates to build jobs. Therefore, at
Issele-Uku Delta State NYSC orientation camp, forty youth corps
members were surveyed to evaluate their entrepreneurial dispositions.
Similarly, surveys were also performed at four Delta State Tertiary
Institutions. The sample of institutions consisted of 20 students from the
selected schools each. One hundred polled 20 respondents. It was found
that thirty-two percent of those who admitted to have taken
entrepreneurship education, showed interest in setting up personal
businesses using X2 analytical technique, while twenty-two percent
preferred to work in private agencies, and the remaining forty-six
percent preferred to work in either of the government weapons. In the
design of regulations affecting the development of knowledge for the
efficient diffusion of knowledge into socially useful needs, the policy
implications of this study are significant
Publication Type journal
Publisher Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
Publication Authors Ijieh, S Okubor Eshenake Benson Azu, Benedict
Year Published 2015-02-02
Abstract This study analyzes the effect of gender inequality in agriculture and how it has impede Nigeria economic
growth, gender inequality in agriculture affects women across rural and urban area. Data were collected from the
rural famers (women) on issues relating to gender inequality especially women. One hundred copies of
questionnaire were administered but only eighty-six were retrieved. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were also
carried out among farmers. Returned instruments were analyzed using simple percentage and the pearson
product moment correlation analysis. The major finding is that gender inequalities is high in Agricultural sector
and thus, hamper economic growth in Nigeria. We therefore recommend that for Nigeria steady economic
growth to translate positively to the socio-economic of her citizens the war against gender inequality should go
beyond sectors or zones, it should be generally pursued. Also for the goals of the Transformation Agenda to be
fully realized, the current situation of women must be factored into policy formulation and implementation.
Publication Type journal
Publisher 3rd Annual National Conference of Association of Nigerian Academics, 21st –25th April, 2008
Year Published 2008-04-25
Abstract The paper presents an overview of the trend of government expenditure in meeting the
manpower needs in line with improving the Educational Standard in Nigeria. Various
Educational Policies and programmes have been introduced by the Nigerian government. In the
quest to improve the quality of education. The study reveals that for the period covered by the
study, expenditure on education has not been consistent and did not follow a definite pattern.
Acute financial, economic and political problems affected all levels of education and their
capacities to perform efficiently. The deficit and surpluses in manpower in the economy is a
pointer to the fact that the education sub-sector has not impacted much in meeting the needs of
the nation. The important role of education in the society should constitute enough reasons for
the nation to feel concerned about the future survival of education. For this reason, the present
situation should call for a reflection of her mistakes of neglect on the educational sector and a
determination to take the necessary steps clearly focused on adequate investment in
transforming the education sector. Moreover, greater proportion of the nation’s annual
budgetary allocations should be allocated to education; disbursement, utilization, monitoring of
education funds and encouraging other stakeholders to invest more in the education sector.
Publication Type journal
Publisher European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Publication Authors Richardson Kojo Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Nkalu Chigozie Nelson
Year Published 2018-09-11
Abstract ABSTRACT: This study empirically analyzed the relationship between export and economic
growth. Specifically, the study examined the validity of the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis in
Nigeria employing the Toda-Yamamoto Granger Causality framework. The result shows that there is unidirectional causality running from export to economic growth. This implies that the causality running from export to economic growth is the strongest, revealing that exportled growth hypothesis holds for Nigeria. This suggests that encouraging export is necessary in stimulating growth. It is therefore imperative for government to put policies in place to
stimulate the production in the non-oil sectors of the economy. This would assist in encouraging exports and discourage imports.
Publication Title Promoting Sustainable Development in Nigeria through the Non Oil Sector Export
Publication Type journal
Publisher Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
Publication Authors Ijieh Sunday Okubor
Year Published 2014-11-10
Abstract Abstract
This paper set out to examine the non oil sector production for export as an alternative source of revenue for
sustainable growth and development of Nigeria. The study evaluated selected World Development Indicators for
Nigeria and compared them with those of some African countries and emerging economies, to see areas of
similarities and differences for positive adjustment. It also employed the test of Cointegration and Error
Correction Mechanism (ECM) in the analysis of the variables under study. The implications of the result show
that investment in the non oil sector (Industrial /Manufacturing, Agricultural and Solid Minerals Production) can
lead to economic growth and development because of its potential impact on generating additional revenue,
reducing unemployment and poverty. This can not be experienced without government making the right policy
decisions on institutions, research, trade, and education for technological adaptations.
Publication Title Promoting Sustainable Development in Nigeria through the Non Oil Sector Export
Publication Type journal
Publisher Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
Publication Authors Ijieh Sunday Okubor
Year Published 2014-11-10
Abstract Abstract
This paper set out to examine the non oil sector production for export as an alternative source of revenue for
sustainable growth and development of Nigeria. The study evaluated selected World Development Indicators for
Nigeria and compared them with those of some African countries and emerging economies, to see areas of
similarities and differences for positive adjustment. It also employed the test of Cointegration and Error
Correction Mechanism (ECM) in the analysis of the variables under study. The implications of the result show
that investment in the non oil sector (Industrial /Manufacturing, Agricultural and Solid Minerals Production) can
lead to economic growth and development because of its potential impact on generating additional revenue,
reducing unemployment and poverty. This can not be experienced without government making the right policy
decisions on institutions, research, trade, and education for technological adaptations.
Publication Title Gender Inequality in Agriculture: A Tool for Sustainable Economic Growth.
Publication Type journal
Publication Authors Ijieh, S Okubor Eshenake Benson Azu, Benedict
Year Published 2015-01-23
Abstract Abstract
This study analyzes the effect of gender inequality in agriculture and how it has impede Nigeria economic
growth, gender inequality in agriculture affects women across rural and urban area. Data were collected from the
rural famers (women) on issues relating to gender inequality especially women. One hundred copies of
questionnaire were administered but only eighty-six were retrieved. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were also
carried out among farmers. Returned instruments were analyzed using simple percentage and the pearson
product moment correlation analysis. The major finding is that gender inequalities is high in Agricultural sector
and thus, hamper economic growth in Nigeria. We therefore recommend that for Nigeria steady economic
growth to translate positively to the socio-economic of her citizens the war against gender inequality should go
beyond sectors or zones, it should be generally pursued. Also for the goals of the Transformation Agenda to be
fully realized, the current situation of women must be factored into policy formulation and implementation.
Keywords: Gender inequality, Agriculture and Economic Growth.
Publication Title Entrepreneurship, Skill Acquisition and Economic Growth
Publication Type journal
Publisher UJAH: Journal of Arts and Humanities
Publication Authors Sunday Okubor Ijieh
Year Published 2021-05-19
Abstract Abstract
Scientifically, the relationship between knowledge and growth in
economic growth has been enhanced by technical breakthroughs and
developments over the years, so that economic growth is no longer
focused solely on the exploitation of raw materials, energy sources and
physical goods, but on the intangible development of values in the form
of essential skills, services, innovative technologies and inventions.
Considering the high level of youth unemployment and the high
incidence of poverty in Nigeria, this requires a re-adjustment of the
traditional methods of human capital growth. The main goal of this
paper is to shed light on recent developments in our understanding of the
forces that border on information formation, distribution and innovation
through the growth phase of the entrepreneur. This paper explored the
tertiary institutions' entrepreneurship development programme and the
capacity of graduates and future graduates to build jobs. Therefore, at
Issele-Uku Delta State NYSC orientation camp, forty youth corps
members were surveyed to evaluate their entrepreneurial dispositions.
Similarly, surveys were also performed at four Delta State Tertiary
Institutions. The sample of institutions consisted of 20 students from the
selected schools each. One hundred polled 20 respondents. It was found
that thirty-two percent of those who admitted to have taken
entrepreneurship education, showed interest in setting up personal
businesses using X2 analytical technique, while twenty-two percent
preferred to work in private agencies, and the remaining forty-six
percent preferred to work in either of the government weapons. In the
design of regulations affecting the development of knowledge for the
efficient diffusion of knowledge into socially useful needs, the policy
implications of this study are significant.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Ekpoma Journal of Social Sciences , Ambrose Alli University.
Publication Authors lganiga, B.O. and ljieh, Sunday Okubor
Year Published 2016-08-10
Abstract Abstract
Nigeria has had a chequered political history since independence. The country's economic crisis apparently bears some relation with the political circumstance, which includes the rising cost of governance. To this end, the paper examines the welfare implications of this rising cost of governance in Nigeria between 1990 and 2009 using quarterly data based on econometric tools. Indeed, the near subservient of Nigeria populace is a serious cause for concern especially when one considers the fact that it is a far cry from the millennium development target growth of 7 per cent that is required to halve poverty by the year 2015. The results from the analysis show that most of the cost indicators were negative contrary to theoretical expectations. This was not unexpected as most costs of governance in Nigeria do not translate to good governance through the provision of infrastructure that impact directly on the wellbeing of the people. Also, the results, further demonstrate that in spite of the political transition since 1999, the general welfare of the people remained a big question. The study notes that the recent call to review downward the welfare packages of public officers that constitute more than 30 percent of the national budget is a right step to channel these funds to productive use and infrastructural development. Only government
with minimum administrative cost made up of credible people with dynamic people oriented programmes would there be any hope to alleviate poverty, improve human health, productivity, income and ultimately the standard of living of the people in general.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Title Reducing Poverty for Sustainable Growth in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programmes
Publication Type others
Publisher Igbinedion University, Okada.
Publication Authors Richardson U.K. Edeme, Sunday Okubor Ijieh and Benson E. Eshenake
Year Published 2008-12-21
Abstract Abstract .
This paper addresses poverty reduction issues arising from the economic policy of Nigeria. Poverty reduction is a process of expanding choices _and developing capabilities of the people in all social and economic activities to making them live a meaningful life by empowering them as well as providing them the opportunity of participating in formulating and implementing development policies that affects their lives. This means that people are considered as the core point of development and that people are both the objective and engine of any meaningful development. This paper, which is purely descriptive, identifies a large gap between the sound policies of the government and actual implementations which tend to diminish that would have been the positive impact on the welfare of the citizens. The paper also notes that these programmes, aimed at reducing poverty Jailed due to inconsistency, wasteful resources, non-participation by the beneficiaries, instability in macroeconomic variables, among others. On this bases, the paper recommends inter-alia: the evolvement of productive programmes that would benefit the core-poor, and the involvement of the beneficiaries in the design, implementation and
monitoring of the .projects and adoption of macroeconomic stability needed for sustainable growth and development. A case was also made .for the provision of enabling environment by the government for private sector development and heavy investment in people’s abilities with modest inequality.
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review
Publication Authors Dr. (Mrs.) Kashiari Esther Dibie & Dr. Sunday Okubor Ijieh
Year Published 2023-10-02
The Nigerian economy witnessed a robust economy in time past before the discovery of oil. The agricultural sector was neglected and government attention was dully registered on the oil sector which culminated into vices that hindered economic growth and development. This study investigated the agriculture production and food security and their impact on economic growth in Nigeria. Secondary data was collected from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin for the period 1981 – 2021. The presence of unit root was checked by using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF). The Johansen Co-integration technique was employed to determine the long run equilibrium relationships among the variables. Thereafter, the ordinary least square regression analysis was used to determine the direction and magnitude of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The study revealed a strong correlation between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Specifically, the R-Squared of 0.96 and the Adjusted R-Squared of 0.95 showed that 95% of the changes in the dependent variable was explained by the independent variables. The coefficient of loan granted was negative, implying an inverse relationship with GDP, implying a probable diversion of the money into unproductive ventures or the high rate of interest charged on the loans that probably dominated the accrued benefit. Food production, transport and storage had positive relationship with GDP. The study recommended that the government builds more access roads to ease transportation and provide more storage facilities for the sustainability of human security.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Journal of Management and Enterprise Development
Publication Authors IJIEH, S. OKUBOR. Ph.D and EDEME, U.K. RICHARDSON. Ph.D
Year Published 2008-02-21
Abstract Abstract
This paper posits that the Nigerian economic reforms over the years have not succeeded in creating the desired social and macroeconomic conditions necessary for entrepreneurial development needed to grow production in the economy for sustainable development. Taking Delta State as a case study, it employed qualitative instruments of scaled questions (analyzed in percentages) and interviews on 200 registered business owners which were selected at random from Delta State Industrial Directory, obtained from the State Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The study found that several socio-economic factors that enhance business development and start up were grossly inadequate among these are: Public utilities; existence of law and order; entrepreneurship education; and skill acquisition; as well as public perception of entrepreneurship. The study recommends public re-orientation on entrepreneurship; the development of entrepreneurial training institutions where, graduants should be supported to start up businesses. The study further recommends that rather than spend state scarce resources on building world class democratic structures that can hardly sustain economic capacity utilization and growth, economic reforms should focus on the provision of functioning critical infrastructures that support the growth of production and entrepreneurship.
Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Educational Research and Administration
Publication Authors Edeme, R.U.K, Ijieh, S. O. and Eshenake, B.E.
Year Published 2008-10-06
Abstract Abstract
It is a commonly held view that effective research holds the key to rapid economic growth. In essence, effective research has been a tenet of growth and development strategies for most countries. Although it is equally shown that increase in research may not necessarily bring about growth for such reasons as relevance and adequate utilization. Despite research that have been conducted, Nigeria is yet to attain the desired level of development. Employing the systems analysis, this paper examines the framework to elucidate the relations between research, utilization and achieving the millennium development goals (MDGs) through the network of relations between and among relevant components of the formal, informal and foreign sectors. This method enables us to assess the triad processes in the conduct of research and utilization processes in Nigeria. The analysis depicts that both the research conducting centres, utilizing centres and the government are not fully committed and hence, indicates a malfunctioning process that will create and sustain great disparity between research and utilization which constitute obstacle to achieving the MDGs in Nigeria. In view of this, it is suggested that government should provide the enabling environment to attract and encourage local and international research that are related and relevant to the specific needs of the country and its utilization to enable her achieve the MDGs.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Publication Authors Azu, B. C., Ijieh, S. Okubor and Ifeanyi, S
Year Published 2022-10-20
Abstract Health enhancement is an essential determinant of economic growth; though, the impact of health on economic growth is affected by the level of poverty in any country. This paper, therefore, examined the impact of health on economic growth during corona virus in Sub-Saharan Africa and the verge of health required to alleviate the adverse effect of poverty on economic growth in Twenty (20) selected Sub-Saharan Africa countries. Based on the endogenous growth theoretical approach, the link between life expectancy, poverty incidence, and economic growth was estimated using the GMM technique of analysis. Findings showed that coronavirus pandemic exerts negative impact on health condition, household welfare, unemployment and the adverse effect of poverty on economic growth in Nigeria. Though government expenditure significantly increased during the period in a bid to check the pandemic, but household welfare degenerated and was negatively affected with high poverty rate, this paper recommended that the government of the Sub-Saharan countries should diversify the revenue base of their economies to cushion the effect of unprecedented shock due to the pandemic and provide adequate relief materials to pad the effect of loss of income to the poor and vulnerable, invest in the health sector to control infectious and pandemic diseases.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Publication Authors Azu, B. C., Ijieh, S. Okubor and Ifeanyi, S
Year Published 2022-10-20
Abstract Health enhancement is an essential determinant of economic growth; though, the impact of health on economic growth is affected by the level of poverty in any country. This paper, therefore, examined the impact of health on economic growth during corona virus in Sub-Saharan Africa and the verge of health required to alleviate the adverse effect of poverty on economic growth in Twenty (20) selected Sub-Saharan Africa countries. Based on the endogenous growth theoretical approach, the link between life expectancy, poverty incidence, and economic growth was estimated using the GMM technique of analysis. Findings showed that coronavirus pandemic exerts negative impact on health condition, household welfare, unemployment and the adverse effect of poverty on economic growth in Nigeria. Though government expenditure significantly increased during the period in a bid to check the pandemic, but household welfare degenerated and was negatively affected with high poverty rate, this paper recommended that the government of the Sub-Saharan countries should diversify the revenue base of their economies to cushion the effect of unprecedented shock due to the pandemic and provide adequate relief materials to pad the effect of loss of income to the poor and vulnerable, invest in the health sector to control infectious and pandemic diseases.
Publication Title Branding Dynamics in Education planning for Social Reconstruction and Transformation.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Niger Delta Journal of Education
Publication Authors Ijieh, S. Okubor
Year Published 2014-10-12
Abstract Basically, the educational sector is paramount in generating the energy with which nations’ growth and develop are attained. Currently, changes in science and technology have gradually rendered the goal and skills of yesterday’s education inappropriate in today’s globalized world settings. Despite reforms, the public schools have not performed up to expectations. Considering the privatization wave of the moment, we observed that the education industry faces challenging conditions. Similar to those of the business world and requires business concepts devoid of bureaucracy in its solution. This paper focuses on the discussion of the theoretical background to deliver a business model in form of an educational brand and franchise within a corporate framework. This paper evaluates the principles of branding and franchise using business evidence. In conclusion if education must be the pivot of economic growth and development, then its conduct has to be based on business principles.
Publication Type journal
Publisher Delta Business Education Journal
Year Published 2022-01-01
Abstract The paper identifies the need for the knowledge of brand building as a strategy for
Sustainable Entrepreneurship in a developing economy. The study looks at
different concepts of branding and their educational implications with respect to
sustainable entrepreneurship development. The paper is of the view that
entrepreneurship education should include the development of brand building
skills. Such skills it emphasized are critical ingredients to be harnessed by
employers of labour and business developers. The paper recommends that further
researches should be conducted into branding culture, business and economic
Publication Type journal
Year Published 2022-01-01
Abstract This study investigates the influence of real exchange rate on the non-oil output performance
of the Nigerian economy covering the period 1986 to 2019. The study applied the OLS in a
modified IS-LM framework. The result indicates that there is inverse relationship between nonoil output and exchange rate in the long run and direct relationship in the short run. The ECM
result show that deviations from long run equilibrium could be easily adjusted. The implication
of findings is that policy makers must consider achieving a stable and realistic exchange rate in
order to influence a stable long run output performance. The study recommends the inclusion
of foreign investments in agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors to capture external
influences on non-oil output as naira depreciates or appreciates